Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Call it My Resources

People very often comment at different events or when they hear of the things I do: "How or where  do you store all of your stuff?"  First of all, I refer to my STUFF as my RESOURCES. I do love my resources, I love adding to them, and I especially love using them to create memorable occasions.

I love using the same resources over and over but changing things up to fit a different theme or occasion. For instance, I have a whole bunch of cream colored lace curtain panels that I made for my daughters wedding reception over 13 years ago. They are about 5 feet wide and ten feet long. I have used them more times than I can even count. I have used them for a little girls tea party to cover the tiny chairs with lace and ribbons, as royal drapes adorned with gold accents for a castle, as a canopy over a serving table, as draped skirting around a wedding cake table, and for many occasions with a romantic theme such as bridal showers or Valentine's Day with my rose floral garlands.

So where are those lace panels kept between uses?

They have their own tub labeled
"Lace Panels"

These tubs are stored in my custom built (for me and my resources), oversized, three car garage and they represent probably half of my resources! I have another area of oversized boxes in the garage of my silk floral collections, my greenery, and  for my larger and oddly shaped resources.

My serving pieces are stored on the high shelves of my walk in kitchen panty.

All of my tubs and boxes are labeled for easy and organized access.

Throughout the year as I come across things for Grandma Camp, the Back to School Party, or our Christmas Day Camp they have a place to be stored until I need them. I have a tub or tubs for all of the holidays. I have tubs labeled Luau, Fiesta, Royalty, Birthday, Kids Crafts, Table Linens, and I have a tub of all of my lighting options. One container that cracked my son up was my container labeled "containers"!  Yes, I use that one too.

Before you are too impressed I must admit that they don't always look so organized. When my schedule gets full or my events overlap the garage shows it. As I mix and match my resources for different occasions things can get a bit strewn. BUT, the good news is they all have a home and a place to be once things slow down and allow for me to have a day in the garage with my very loved resources!


  1. Love the one labeled "containers". lol

  2. Impressive! I need to reorganize my "resources" now that my cameras, iPod, iPad, and other gizmos have exceeded their allowed space. We are creating some grandkid artspace in the basement, which will help.

  3. I know what you mean about the gadgets. I just reorganized all of my saved photos on my computer with my sons help and backed them up with secure copies. We also installed more memory on my computer and added an extra external hard drive. I also had to purchase more online storage space for all of the photos I have used on my blog.

    Now we can even collect virtual clutter!

  4. My resources are nothing compared to your stash, it brought tears to my eyes to see such an awesome collection! No wonder you are the go to gal in your ward!Our garage is the "Man Cave" so there is no way I can put stuff out there, but my extra "Creativity Room" is bursting. Thanks for sharing

  5. That's the most organized storage I've ever seen! I have a friend who is much like you. She has "resources" for every occasion, but hers are not organized!

  6. How much did that shelving unit cost, if you don't mind me asking?

  7. I believe the shelving ran about $159 per unit. There are two units pictured. When comparing the overall cost, the time spent building them, and their heavy duty design we thought they were a great deal. They fit the tubs perfectly so no wasted space!
